Disc Golf Clubs

Option to make or join a DGV club. Rep your club in tournaments and multi player. Design Club logo to replace the flag icons. Have club forum to ask advice. Trade discs among club members. Club president and captains to control the club roster. Clubs earn points based on Pro Tour & Multi Player activity. Bonus XP & or coins based on weekly club performance.

Incorporate Real Life Latitude 64 Disc Shop into the Game

I also play disc golf IRL, and I imagine Lat64’s goal in sponsoring the game is to advertise and move some product, so I think it’d be cool to incorporate some real disc buying options/incentives into the game:

– Buy Your DGV Discs: Option to buy a real version of the mold/color/stamp combos of your favorite DGV discs. I’d kinda love a real Musket that looks like my Acc/Glide go-to.

– Lat64 Coupon Codes: These could be level-up milestone, PT Win, CTV All Stars etc. rewards and the % off or $ value could increase as the achievement gets more and more difficult. I bet Lat64 would be willing to GIVE someone a disc if they put in the 100s of hours it takes to get to a high level.

Collection shows missing discs/attributes & Rewards show NEW discs

A stats screen in our Collection so it’s easier to collect every disc – this could be a need-to-acquire list or missing discs could be seen as grayed over, and unselectable, or even numbers that you have X of the total attribute combinations for a specific disc or x/x discs in the game (you have 104/500 discs)

Similar and also very helpful: Level Up Rewards could notify players of discs not already in their collection. There could be different “stickers” for discs that are completely new or just a different color – “New” and “Alt,” perhaps?

Resume play after game close

Many people would like to be able to play a round of an AI tournament, close the game, and resume the tournament where they left off when they open the game again. This wouldn’t be a save function that could be abused, but instead one chance to keep playing from where they left off. If any other round is started, option to resume would default to the new round. This would be helpful in MP and PT as well, as some players game reboots after an untimely phone call, etc. Mostly, people would just like to resume AI, but MP and PT would be great if possible. (MP resume only if within the time limit)